Friday, 20 April 2007


Are You A Stalker???

What constitutes a stalker?? Well, generally it is somebody who follows another around, often causing them distress and feelings of this fair to do to somebody? Absolutely not because it is invading another's private space and is also often intimidating.Cases can occur with past loves, fans and even just as a result of wanting to pursue an intimate relationship with a person one has known for a while.

In response to the above blog, i agree that the line is blurred and some cases can be completely harmless, unless they turn into an unhealthy obsession. And yes, of course the stalker's mental health is of extreme importance when determining whether he/she poses a threat.

An example of such is the paparazzi, who do not pose a threat to those they follow and snap at every availble opportunity, though it is often used in a derogatory manner...therefore shadowing others definitely is regarded as more of a negative hobby...
Stalking is regarded as a 'crime' so is most certainly an act of 'being bad'!!!

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