Monday, 16 April 2007

Stealing...Is It Always 'Bad'???

I personally don't agree with stealing/theft/robbing at all, in any circumstances!!! However, some cases are worse than others for several reasons. For example, stealing from a shop doesn't necessarily have a major effect on the company and isn't an act carried out to pursue a vendetta against another person, unlike stealing from a house...I believe this is very wrong because taking a person's personal belongings could have a major impact on their life, and if they are not insured, is likely to cost them a lot to replace the items!!! It is not only money that is important but the items could have a special signifcance if they have memories attached to them...and memories cannot be replaced...

Crimes such as this may seem 'petty' in contrast to others, but if they have an effect on another then i disagree with them strongly...

However, figures such as Robin Hood, who may or may not be real, stole from the rich to give to the poor...i still feel that this is wrong to some extent, but it was an act pursued apparently for the 'greater good', and therefore generally benefitted most without having a major impact on the victims...In this instance i don't feel it is as bad.

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